Castigatorii Galei Premiilor de Excelenta in Energie Romanian Energy Awards 2015

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Publicatia The Diplomat-Bucharest a organizat cea de-a 4-a editie anuala a Galei Premiilor de Excelenta in Energie - Romanian Energy Awards 2015, pe 12 mai 2015, in cadrul Crowne Plaza Hotel, Bucuresti.

Evenimentul a beneficiat de sprijinul: partenerilor gold CEZ Group si Veolia, partenerii Adrem Invest, EnergoBit, EximBank, Vimetco Alro, partenerii strategici Consiliul Concurentei, Asociatia Furnizorilor de Energie Electrica din Romania (AFEER), Asociatia Romana pentru Promovarea Eficientei Energetice (ARPEE), Comitetul National Roman al CIGRE - CNR-CIGRE, Federatia Patronala a Asociatiilor Companiilor de Utilitati din Energie (ACUE), COGEN Romania, Centrul Roman al Energiei - CRE, Transelectrica, World Energy Council. De asemenea, evenimentul s-a bucurat de participarea EY, Nalco Romania, Retrasib si suportul Lacerta si Crowne Plaza Hotel.
In cadrul evenimentului, The Diplomat-Bucharest a lansat anuarul Romanian Energy and Resources Overview 2015, o analiza a Who`s Who si a proiectelor care au definit acest sector in ultimul an, reflectand evolutia si tendintele sectorului energetic din Romania.
Evenimentul a reunit reprezentanți ai autoritatilor guvernamentale, ai organismelor de reglementare in domeniul energiei, jucatori de top din domeniul productiei si distributiei de energie, trading, resurse (petrol, gaz, carbune, hidro energie regenerabila), finantare, legislatie, consultanta, implicati in dezvoltarea si monitorizarea celui mai dinamic sector din economie.

Iulian Iancu, Presedinte Committetul pentru Industrii si Servicii, Camera Deputatilor
Alexandru Valeriu Binig, Partener EY
Mihai Albulescu, Secretar de Stat, Ministerul Energiei, Companiilor Mici si Mijlocii
Elena Popescu, Director General, Directia de Energie si Mediu, Ministerul Energiei, Companiilor Mici si Mijlocii
Bogdan Marius Chiritoiu, Presedinte, Romanian Competition Council
Zoltan Nagy-Bege, Membru al consiliului de administratie, ANRE
Silvia Vlasceanu, Director executiv al Federatiei Patronala a Asociatiilor Companiilor de Utilitati din Energie-ACUE
Ciprian Diaconu, Director, Transelectrica
Virgil Musatescu, Profesor, Doctor Inginer, Universitatea Tehnica Bucuresti

Aflata la cea de-a patra editie anuala, Gala de premiere pentru companii si manageri in domeniul energetic s-a dezvoltat inca din primul an de la lansare intr-o platforma autentica de apreciere a performantei si intr-un reper pentru economia din Romania.


Tranzactia anului in energie - ELECTRICA
Compania anului in energie - ROMGAZ
Institutia finantatoare pentru proiecte in energie - BANCA COMERCIALA ROMANA
Firma de avocatura in energie - Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii
Managerul anului in energie - VICTOR IONESCU, General Director, OPCOM
Premiul pentru initiativa in energie - Asocierea Adrem Invest - E.ON Romania
Personalitatea anului in energie - NICULAE HAVRILET, PRESIDENT, ANRE
Premiul pentru excelenta in intreaga activitate - DR. GHEORGHE BALA, EXECUTIVE GM, WEC / RNC
Premiul special al juriului - UNIVERSITATEA TEHNICA CLUJ NAPOCA

Premiul special al juriului pentru proiecte de finantare in energie – BERD
Compania anului in sectorul petrol si gaze -  GRUP SERVICII PETROLIERE
Proiectul anului in sectorul petrol si gaze ANRM – TRANSGAZ, IASI-UNGHENI pipeline
Compania anului in energia electrica - BEPCO
Proiectul anului in energia electrica ANRE-OPCOM-TRANSELECTRICA, 4m Market Coupling
Compania anului in energia regenerabila -  STEAG ENERGIE ROMANIA
Proiectul anului in energia regenerabila - SORTILEMN- ENERGY SERV
Furnizorul de tehnologie in energie - ELECTROMAGNETICA
Compania de inginerie pentru proiecte in energie- PETROSTAR
Compania de servicii pentru proiecte in energie - ELSACO
Programul de eficienta energetica a anului - Schneider Electric Romania-Carrefour, Energy Efficiency Partnership

Regasiti detalii complete despre metodologia de nominalizare, categoriile si Gala de premiere pe pagina oficiala a evenimentului:

Mirela Gavra
Publisher, The Diplomat-Bucharest
Mobil: 0722523535
[email protected]

May 12, 2015, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Bucharest

The Diplomat-Bucharest organized the fourth edition of the Romanian Energy Awards 2015, on 12 May, at Crowne Plaza Hotel Bucharest . The event brought together the Who`s Who in the energy and natural resources sector in Romania.

The event was organized with the support of: gold partners CEZ Group and Veolia, partners Adrem Invest, EnergoBit, EximBank, Vimetco Alro, strategic partners Competition Council, The Association of Electricity Suppliers in Romania (AFEER), Romanian Association for Promoting Energy Efficiency (ARPEE), Romanian National Committee of CIGRE, Association of Companies for Energy Utilities (ACUE), COGEN RomAnia, Romanian Energy Center – CRE, Transelectrica, World Energy Council. Also, the event benefited from the participation of EY, Nalco Romania, Retrasib and the venue support of Lacerta and Crowne Plaza Hotel.

The event also covered the launching of The Diplomat-Bucharest`s yearly report Romanian Energy and Resources Overview 2015, a summing up of the main events, projects, legal and fiscal updates defining the energy sector in Romania at this moment.

Iulian Iancu, Committee for Industries and Services - Chairperson, Chamber of Deputies
Alexandru Valeriu Binig, Partener EY
Mihai Albulescu, State Secretary, Ministry of Energy and SMEs
Elena Popescu, General Director of the Energy and Environment Direction, Ministry of Energy and SMEs
Bogdan Marius Chiritoiu, President of the Romanian Competition Council
Zoltan Nagy-Bege, Member of the Regulatory Board, ANRE
Silvia Vlasceanu, Executive Director of the Association of Energy Utilities (ACUE)
Ciprian Diaconu, Director, Transelectrica
Virgil Musatescu, Professor, Doctor Engineer, Technical University of Bucharest

The Romanian Energy Awards` 20 categories recognized the outstanding success of firms and individuals in special projects and areas of business as well as overall involvement in the development of the country`s business climate. This is a high profile event, attended by most important representatives from the Romanian government, senior figures from Romania`s business and civil society and the energy and natural resources sector community at top level.

Energy Deal of the Year - ELECTRICA
Energy Company of the Year - ROMGAZ
Energy Financing Award - BANCA COMERCIALA ROMANA
Energy Law Firm of the Year - Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii
Energy Manager of the Year - VICTOR IONESCU, General Director, OPCOM
Energy Initiative of the Year - Partnership Adrem Invest - E.ON Romania
Energy Manager of the Year - NICULAE HAVRILET, PRESIDENT, ANRE
Energy Excellence Award -  DR. GHEORGHE BALA, EXECUTIVE GM, WEC / RNC

Special Jury Award for Financing in Energy Sector - BERD
Oil and Gas Company of the Year - GRUP SERVICII PETROLIERE
Oil and Gas Project of the Year - ANRM – TRANSGAZ, IASI-UNGHENI pipeline
Electricity Company of the Year - BEPCO
Electricity Project of the Year - ANRE-OPCOM-TRANSELECTRICA, 4m Market Coupling
Renewable Energy Company of the Year - STEAG ENERGIE ROMANIA
Renewable Energy Project of the Year - SORTILEMN- ENERGY SERV
Technology Provider of the Year - ELECTROMAGNETICA
Energy Engineering Firm of the Year - PETROSTAR
Energy Services Company of the Year - ELSACO
Energy Efficiency Program of the Year - Schneider Electric Romania-Carrefour, Energy Efficiency Partnership

Find the full details on nomination methodology, categories and Awards Gala here:





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