Prezenta internationala puternica la cea de-a zecea editie SE European Exhibition and Forum

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Drept raspuns provocarilor de mediu si economice, Sofia va gazdui din nou cea de-a 10-a editie a Expozitiei si Forumului pentru Europa de Sud-Est in perioada 5-7 martie 2014. Formatul sau combina urmatoarele initiative paralele: „Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy”, „Smart Cities” si „LiftBalkans” (ascensoare si scari rulante).
Pentru al cincilea an consecutiv, tehnologiile austriece vor fi prezentate in cadrul Pavilionului Austriac. Global Hydro Energy, care activeaza in domeniul microhidrocentralelor sau Polytechnik, producator de cazane pe biomasa, s-au alaturat deja Pavilionului. Compania Komptech va prezenta masini si sisteme pentru tratarea mecanica si mecano-biologica a deseurilor solide si pentru tratarea biomasei ca sursa de energie regenerabila.

Datorita experientei acumulate in ultimii 15 ani de cercetare si angajamentului pentru calitatea produselor, Costruzioni Nazzareno este o marca stabilita in fabricarea de sisteme complete pentru producerea de peleti si brichete pe scara mondiala.
CPM Europe/Roskamp Champion va prezenta linia de produse care include mori de cracare, mori de exfoliere, macinatoare, masini de maruntit si taiat, mori de peleti, racitoare, uscatoare.

Sud-Estul Europei are un mare potential de investitii in tehnologiile inteligente care ar putea remodela zonele urbane in resurse mai eficiente si sisteme mai flexibile.
Landis+Gyr planuiesc intrarea pe piata bulgara. Este un binecunoscut furnizor de produse de management integrat al energiei adaptate la nevoile companiei de energie si unic in capacitatea sa de a furniza solutii de contorizare avansate.
Vizitatorii vor fi familiarizati cu realizarile inteligente din domeniul energiei Exeron – un sistem modular hibrid de alimentare autonoma, dezvoltata de International Power Supply; Vor fi expuse solutii pentru telecomunicatii, telemetrie si telematica de la Clicko si echipamente de iluminat cu LED de la Leader Light.

Omnia Contractors va participa pentru prima data la expozitie unde va expune pompa de caldura OCHSNER, care ofera avantaje critice pentru incalzire, racire si incalzirea apei.
Un line-up impresionant de speakeri, inclusiv experti ai institutiilor si asociatiilor din cadrul UE vor informa participantii cu privire la aspectele legislative de ultima ora si probleme tehnologice aferente.
Un loc aparte il va avea in cadrul programului Sesiunea „Reorganizarea termoficarii si racirii in Europa”, organizata de Euroheat & Power.

Organizator: Via Expo Ltd.

Strong international presence at the 10th SE European Exhibition and Forum
In response to the environmental and economic challenges, Sofia will host again the 10th edition of the Exhibition and Forum for South-East Europe from 5th to 7th March 2014. Its format combines the following parallel initiatives: “Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy”, “Smart Cities” and „LiftBalkans” (elevators and escalators).

For the 5th year in a row the advanced Austrian technologies will be presented at the Austrian Pavilion. Global Hydro Energy, a provider of small hydropower plants and Polytechnik, a producer of biomass fired boilers, have already joined the Pavilion. Machinery and systems for the mechanical and mechanical-biological treatment of solid waste and for the treatment of biomass as a renewable energy source will be presented by Komptech.
Thanks to the experience acquired in over 15 years of research and commitment to product quality, Costruzioni Nazzareno is nowadays an established brand in the manufacture of complete turnkey systems for the production of wood pellets and briquettes on worldwide scale.
The product line including cracking mills, flaking mills, grinders, crushing and shredding machines, pellet mills, coolers, dryers and coaters will be presented by CPM Europe / Roskamp Champion.
South-East Europe has a great potential for investments in smart technologies which could reshape the urban areas into more efficient resource and flexible systems.
Landis+Gyr are planning to step on the Bulgarian market. It is a well-known provider of integrated energy management products tailored to energy company needs and unique in its ability to deliver true end-to-end advanced metering solutions.
The visitors will be acquainted with the smart energy achievement Exeron - a hybrid modular system for autonomous power supply, developed by International Power Supply; solutions for telecommunications, telemetry and telematics from Clicko and LED lighting equipment, showcased by Leader Light.
Omnia Contractors will participate in the Exhibition for the first time and will demonstrate the OCHSNER heat pumps, which offer critical advantages for heating, cooling and hot water heating.
An impressive speaker lineup including experts from the EU institutions and associations will acquaint the attendees with the key updates on related legislative and technology issues.
A highlight in the program is the Session „Rethinking District Heating and Cooling in Europe”, organized by Euroheat & Power.






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