Jumatate dintre romanii care locuiesc la casa considera ca au prea putine bai

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38% dintre romanii care locuiesc la casa isi propun ca anul acesta sa renoveze baia sau bucataria sau sa adauge noi dependinte locuintei lor, potrivit unui studiu comandat de Grundfos.
Mai mult, 57% dinte acestia declara ca numarul de bai din casa este prea mic in comparatie cu numarul de membri ai familiei. Astfel, majoritatea celor care si-au exprimat intentia de a face lucrari de amenajare si-ar cumpara o pompa de evacuare pentru a putea folosi subsolul cladirii pe care o detin.

Grundfos, liderul mondial in materie de pompe de circulatie, a lansat recent gama de produse Sololift 2 destinate evacuarii apei uzate din spatiile de locuit si isi propune sa le ofere romanilor o alternativa economica pentru a folosi spatiul deja existent din interiorul casei lor.

Astfel, datorita noii game lansate de Grundfos, romanii isi pot amenaja o noua baie in subsolul casei, folosind o solutie de ridicare de dimensiuni mici.

Cele 5 modele incluse in noua gama Sololift 2 acopera aproape toate aplicatiile curente pentru evacuarea apei uzate, situate sub nivelul de scurgere. In plus, noul sistem profesionist de tocare scade in mod considerabil riscul de infundare a pompei. In acelasi timp, blocul motor este astfel instalat incat sa poata fi scos complet, fara demontarea bazinului.

Timpul de montaj este redus in acest fel, iar reparatiile imediate pot fi efectuate chiar de catre proprietarul imobilului, doar cu ajutorul unei surubelnite.
Astfel, produsul se adreseaza atat instalorilor, care monteaza instalatii sanitare, cat si proprietarilor de case care efectueaza lucrari de amenjare si renovare in regie proprie.

Gama de produse Sololift 2 este disponibila incepand din luna mai in reteaua de distribuitori autorizati.

Cu o productie anuala de peste 16 milioane de pompe, Grundfos este cel mai mare producator mondial de pompe de circulatie. Grupele principale de pompe sunt: pompele de circulatie pentru incalzire si aer conditionat, pompele centrifugale pentru industrie, alimentare cu apa, apa uzata si dozare.
In afara de pompe, Grundfos produce motoare electrice pentru pompe standard si submersibile, si vinde electronice de inalta clasa pentru controlul si monitorizarea pompelor.
Grupul Grundfos este reprezentat prin peste 80 de companii in mai bine de 55 de tari. Suplimentar, produsele Grundfos sunt vandute si in alte tari prin distribuitori locali.

Grundfos is launching the new SOLOLIFT2 with 15 new features that will save time for installers and save money for the end users. So the new product range is met with great expectations.
There are countless growth opportunities in the new series of lifting stations. The development of the SOLOLIFT is unique, as 15 new features have lifted the product to a much higher level.
- With SOLOLIFT2 everything becomes more reliable, easier, quicker and less costly, and so it is a groundbreaking product to which we have high expectations, said Product Manager for lifting stations, Ralf Schomaecker.
SOLOLIFT2 was presented at the ISH fair, the world`s largest sanitary fair, at which the visitors showed great interest in the product.

Easy handling of waste water
SOLOLIFT2 is a product for homeowners for handling waste water from bathrooms or kitchens. A compact tank with an integrated knife pump, called a lifting station, ensures that the waste water is led through a pipe that may be down to 2 cm in diameter. This means that SOLOLIFT2 is perfectly suited for the renovation of houses, at which operation the waste water is disposed of without the request for existing pipe work or drainpipes. For instance, with the narrow pipes it is easy to establish a bathroom in the attic or an outdoor kitchen with far less expenses than usual.

Developed in cooperation with installers
To improve the old SOLOLIFT+, installers in Denmark, UK and Germany were consulted. Their responses resulted in the motor being separated from the waste water. This means that installers avoid being soiled when repairing the motors, due to groundbreaking technology. Five products are included in the new series and so, as there were seven in the old series, wholesalers will need smaller warehouses. However, this is not the only advantage. Installation requires less time and this results in lower prices for the end users. SOLOLIFT2 is launched in most of Europe as well as Russia and China.






Reea Agency
