EXPOBIOMASA 2019: direct access to an unstoppable sector

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Expobiomasa 2019, to be held in Valladolid from 24th to 26th September, will once again show that the sector has the tools it needs to respond to society’s new challenges. An open door to an unstoppable reality.

For the 12th time, the fair that specializes in biomass, run by AVEBIOM and held in Valladolid, will be the event of the year for professionals from the south of Europe.

According to the forecasts, over 500 exhibitors will take part in the 12th fair to show off the latest technology, designs and performance features to over 15,000 professionals who will visit the exhibition centre, keen to see and admire equipment that offers solutions to increasingly demanding and educated consumers.
Around 4.5 million high-efficiency biomass stoves and boilers have been installed in Europe in recent years according to data from the EPC 2017 survey. That equipment, along with over 315,000 professionals devoted to solid biomass have made it possible to use local biomass sustainably instead of consuming the equivalent 98 billion litres of heating oil. Biomass, Europe’s most important renewable, will allow us to be self-sufficient for 43 days this year. 
Given this growing market, Expobiomasa has evolved over the last few years to become one of the sector’s five most important events worldwide. It is committed to a market that still offers many opportunities in Spain and Portugal, and is a link between European technology and Latin American professionals. Each fair has been bigger than the last and has aimed to help leading firms to become consolidated in the market as an alternative to “fossil technology” manufacturers and multinational electrical energy lobbies. 

Biomass, the star of the bio-economy

It is a fact that biomass is gaining in presence year after year in the Spanish energy mix. The market for new biomass stoves and boilers has undergone major growth in recent years. This is basically down to one thing: the important economic saving that this solution offers compared to the cost of fossil-based fuels, or compared to the very high cost of electricity. Biomass means families, companies and authorities can all make considerable savings. 
The forestry sector in Spain, as in the rest of Europe, is happy to see that the increase in sustainable consumption of biomass helps to mobilize much more timber and avoids the neglect of woodland. And for the industry and service companies it is practically impossible to find another energy technology that so coherently meets the demands of the Circular Economy, operational cost controls and by-product management.
Traditional biomass users in Spain continue to be mainly rural communities, forestry and the farming and food industry. Around 12% of energy for heating is generated using biomass. And 30% of that is accounted for by new, more modern, stoves and boilers that are auto-feeding and technologically advanced enough to bring clean, renewable energy to the cities and service sector as well. That figure hardly reached 8% ten years ago, according to data from www.observatoriobiomasa.es.
Just as Expobiomasa has evolved since it began in 2006, so has the number of high-efficiency biomass installations in Spain, increasing from 9,600 in 2008 to 244,197 in 2017. Ninety percent of these new installations are pellet stoves. The rest are domestic biomass boilers with output below 50 kW (15,755), and industrial or collective ones (11,336) with output of 50 kW or more.

90% of the exhibitors repeat at a fair "made to measure" 

The Association’s 180 members are the event’s true promoters. And the fair’s success is due, in great measure, to the collaboration of dozens of business and professional associations, confederations, research centres and universities, energy agencies, embassy trade offices, public administrations and the media.
Taking advantage of discounts of 40% for hiring until November 30, 2018, a large majority of exhibitors are already booking their stands by contacting the organization through jorge.herrero@expobiomasa.com 

More information expobiomasa.com and social networks



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